Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am trying to get a copy of the Vice Photo Book, which will be a nice add to my DO's & DON'T collection. If you've not heard of them, you sure are missing out my lovelies. They started out circulating their magazines for free(they still do) out of New York and have now expanded to some other countries. They feature real people, with real stories (some funny, some painfully funny and some others sick) accompanied by real photos. Basically, they make fun of everyone. Go pick up a copy, and you'll know what I'm talking about.


Ellipses: said...

Are you still trying to get this book?? I have found a copy if you're still interested!

Maddox K said...

Hi Ellipses, thanks for the offer but my brother managed to get me a copy.. I see you just started your blog :) Which part of Spain are you from?